Saturday, July 22, 2017

At the Hop!

Little Caesar & the Romans!

Those oldies but goodies

Those oldies but goodies .... reminds me of you
The songs of the past .... bring back memories of you ....
I always remember the first night we met
I always will treasure them so close to my heart
The songs they were playing I never will forget
Each time that I hear them a tear's bound to fall
They always will haunt me although we're apart ....
The songs of the past .... bring back memories of you
For I love those memories that I, I-I recall ....
Those oldies but goodies reminds me of you
Those oldies but goodies reminds me of you .....
Forever they will haunt me .... but what can I do? .....
(Oldies but goodies reminds me of you) .......
Memories that our love once knew.
Yes, dear ..... they are playin' our songs. And they will always remain our songs
I hope you, too, will cherish the wonderful
And each time you hear them ....
(Oldies but goodies reminds me of you) ....
For these songs are just a symbol of the Love that I had for you.
Those oldies but goodies reminds me of you
The songs of the past bring back memories of you
Forever they will haunt me but what can I do? .....
Those oldies but goodies reminds me of you!



  1. DOO-WOP !!!! Forever.....
    Good one to start the day. Thanks.
