Monday, February 6, 2017

Heat wave!!!

Wow! The temperature went ALL the way up to 29 yesterday!!!

 Maude and Betty:

Wilma and Charlie:

Of course Charlie came up on the deck looking for goodies. I threw some noodles out on  for him. He started calling the girls so they could share in the treats too! Turn your speakers up a wee bit to hear him.

My camera is starting to get a grey spot in the middle of the lens and the motor that moves it is really starting to get loud (and annoying).

Something tells me that I should start saving my pennies......



  1. What kind of camera are you shooting your vids with, CM?

    1. A very inexpensive Sony DSC-W800. About 4 years old now. It has taken a lot of pictures and videos and is just wearing out. Sometimes the lens shutter won't even open. But a new camera will just have to wait for a while. Just spend my extra cash on the laptop. :o(

  2. Enjoy the heat wave while it lasts. February ain't over and March is on the way!

    1. I know - today was just beautiful - tomorrow sleet... :o(

  3. I'd love that temperature....currently snowing and -23C (-9F) with wind chill for extra fun. I'm tired of scraping ice off windows lol!

    1. Burrrrrr - now THAT is cold! Keep warm, Jenn! A nice hot toddy is in order fer sure! :o)
