Monday, December 19, 2016

Wacky, wacky weather!

Saturday was like a blizzard:

 Charlie, out in the snow, going frantic looking for his girls (they were in the poopie bin)

Hubby cleaning snow off the pen's roof:

 Sunday woke up to FOG:

 Some berry branches in the snow:

 Critter prints - went right up to and circled the pen:

 In the driveway looking up towards the coop:

 These pine needles were encrusted with ice - pic didn't come out too well, though:

 More fog:

 It just kept rolling and rolling along:

It really got thick. The geese disappeared in it:

Then it got REALLY windy and blew the fog away:

Then the power went out for about four and a half hours.
Thank gawd for generators!



  1. Not nice at all. Hope warmer weather is coming.

    1. I'm odd, BW - I love to watch to fog roll around. Was very cold again today - only in the teens and twenties, but tomorrow it should start to warm up a wee bit! :o)

  2. Replies
    1. I think so too, Gorges. Coyotes - lots and lots of them around here.
