Monday, August 10, 2015

First pickins'

The first tomatoes - very poor crop this year.......

The peppers are doing good, though.....

 Not much going on in Coopville, so I decided to make corn and raisin muffins:

 The aroma was wonderful...notice four are missing already.... :o)

 Maude's, Laverne's and Sophia's eggs from yesterday morning:

 No wonder poor Laverne was squawking - that just HAD to hurt!


  1. Replies
    1. Will not have enough tomatoes to can this year :o(. I'll dehydrate some of the peppers for use this winter -
      We should have planted lots more!

  2. I love the smell of fresh tomatoes.... YUMMMM

    1. They tasted sooooo good! Still warm from the garden - add a little bit of salt.... heaven!

  3. You waited too long on the 'maters. They aren't green for frying. :-0
    Now I want some. Off to market to see if I can find some green ones.
