Monday, July 6, 2015

Pic dump

They're b a c k....

 Only because the bears aren't around. This doe had two fawns.

Poor Charlie! He tries so hard to keep Laverne and Shirley away from Maude and Sophia! They still fight a lot but at least L & S let Maude an Sophia eat with them in the morning. Finally.

 Charlie keeping an eye on Shirley - she chases the little ones all over the yard.

 He's tired at the end of the day and is the first one to walk into the coop at night. L & S are next, but I have to shoo Maude and Sophia in yet. Sometimes Shirley jumps down from the roost and pecks at them. They hop right back up, though. I'm glad. I was getting tired of going in the coop and putting them up on the bar. After a few more pecks, they all settle down.

 A little rose bud! Yeah!

 The peas are growing nicely - not too bad for being on the deck!



  1. Maybe if M&S start fighting back. Miss Shirley will stop her attacks. Such "mean girls".

    1. As soon as Maude and Sophia get bigger than L & S, I'm sure the tables will turn! Now that will be fun to watch! :o)

  2. Re: They're b a c k...Field Cameras Catch Deer Eating Birds—Wait, Why Do Deer Eat Birds?

    That's a new one on me... BarbaCat

    1. Deer eat EVERYTHING. They go after what is easiest first, then strip away anything that is left. Animals eat other animals. The chickens just love moles and mice - they fight over them, L & S eat feathers, too. They are not lacking anything in their diet - I don't know why they do it though.
