Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Out of the pen!

Yesterday was the first time Maude and Sophia felt grass under their feet! They come to me when I call them now, so I thought it would be safe to let them out of the pen for a wee bit.

At first, they just stayed right next to the coop:

Then as they got a litter braver, they wandered into the grass in the middle of the backyard:

Laverne and Shirley wanted nothing to do with them, but Charlie stayed nearby:

 When it started to rain, they all followed me back to the pen. It was a very good first outing!


  1. Can you imagine what that must have felt like :))

    1. It was so much fun to watch them try to scratch it,. as if it was dirt or sand. I think I enjoyed it more than they did! :o)
