Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day-um, he is good!

Hubby decided ANOTHER tree had to come down.

 It landed right where he wanted it to fall. Move over Paul Bunyan!

 Maybe he should name the backhoe "Babe"  - (although it isn't blue)!

 The sawdust is a-flying!

 And on a quieter note:

Just a normal day here in Coopville......



  1. You're gona run outa trees ....don't I talk goood lol ;))

    1. Nah, we have hundreds of 'em - we'll always be warm in the winter!

  2. Just curious as to why you cut them down.?

    1. The woodpeckers had chiseled a hole right through the trunk on that one. It's cut up, split and stacked already. Hubby finished it today. :o)

    2. You must have a lot of them. :)

    3. Have a lot of woodpeckers and a lot of trees! The birds are beautiful but do a lot of damage.

    4. Very seldom do woodpeckers damage healthy trees. The tree may look to be in good shape, but it probably has detrimental to the tree insects that the woodpeckers likes to eat.
      When they do peck on a healthy tree they are usually announcing with sound that they are looking for a mate or defining their area.

    5. I know, it's a shame. Some of the trees are just beautiful to look at, but are being eaten from the inside. We can always tell when the woodpeckers are on the look-out for the ladies!
