Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pic dump

Wasn't outside too much yesterday - getting our oil burned fixed - and he HAS to come back.

Anyhooo,  here is a bunch of pics:

Late afternoon sun making a nice shadow on the wall:

My favorite. A signed Jorge Mayol. Met him at a small art gallery in New York. 
A wonderful artist This is in our 

Another favorite:
By Hurll Meier

This is in my 'office'

I have more of these scattered around the dining room. All the leaves are from our property and are changed every year. I collect and press them between pages of books. Some years the leaves are more colorful than others.

Old Clove Church, Wantage - built in 1829

And yup, you can still buy coal around here!

Sorry, no pictures of the gang today. (They are glad!)


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes they hold old fashioned weddings there complete with horse carriages. So nice to see!

  2. Replies
    1. There are lots of really old, charming churches around here. I really should take pics and make a blog article about them.

  3. Love the pics my faves are the wolves n the church....it looks very much like the old country church I grew up atttending. The leaves are very neat also :))

    1. No "theme" in our home at all! If I like it - it hangs! I loves wolves - There is a wolf preserve near here - magnificent, intelligent animals!

  4. My hubby has a little
    Native American blood in him (as do I) and he has always said the wolf is his totem. They are very beautiful. We use to have a wolf/husky mix dog, and she was the most quiet,gentle loving dog i've ever owened :))

    1. Back in the70's we had a Samoyed - I swear that dog was part wolf! He was my buddy and I still miss him.
