Thursday, March 5, 2015

Over 40!

More heavy, wet snow yesterday, but the temp climbed to a little over 40 degrees for most of the afternoon!

Hubby spend most of the morning moving it to the side of the driveway:

 This stuff is going to be around for a long, long, time!

 Poor Hubby - He works so hard around here! Retirement to the country was not supposed to be this much work all the time!

The damn deer are at it again:

Oh what a perfect shot that would be!


  1. Snow is practically gone here and we are looking at 54F for Sunday.

    1. Today should be the last of the snow - but going to zero degrees F tonight.....

    2. I can't think in Fahrenheit. Living in Canada I grew up with the metric system and I think in Celsius. Zero degrees Celsius being the freezing point of water always made more sense to me. Whenever you mention temperatures I am always converting on my iphone so I get an idea of how cold it is. Regardless, we may actually have spring here.

    3. Sorry, it's: -l7.7 C That makes it pretty darn cold on either side of the border! :o)

    4. I look it up anyway just out of curiosity. No need to convert it for me. I can't think in miles either, I am always dividing kilometres by 1.6 to get miles. I am fine with alcohol in ounces though.

    5. Ounces are the most important measurements. Pints and half pints are good to know also. :o)
