Friday, August 29, 2014

Lucy's wittle egg

Whenever Lucy lays and egg, it's usually the largest ones of the three hens.  Yesterday she plopped out the one on the end!

(from left to right: Lucy's, Shirley's, Laverne's and Lucy's little one)


 I keep them in seperate rows in the egg carton, so I know how many eggs I get from each one.
(We ate some of Laverne's & Shirley's for breakfast)

The shell was very thin and when I broke it open, there was no yolk inside. It was added to their afternoon treat of corn, beans and carrots. She will probably still give me an egg once in while
though, but I'll be getting more hens in October.

Charlie & Lucy

Poor old girl is getting to the end of her egg production. But that's OK - she won't be made into a Sunday dinner! She can live out the rest of  her life amusing me!


  1. It was a misfire. I have a couple of grape vines my neighbor gave me one year, and now they are packed with grapes. I love to pick as many bunches as I can hold and then walk down to the coop and throw them in to the chickens. It's like candy to them, and they go crazy.

    1. Mine like them too and isn't it fun to watch them scramble to see who gets the most? Charlie doesn't join them - he wants to be hand fed!

  2. Replies
    1. She is spoiled rotten, Mamahen - I put hay down where she like to sun herself and bites Laverne & Shirley if they try to get her spot!
