Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Every day stuff around here...

Our life is pretty ordinary here in Coopville. Hubby is usually making a lot of noise outside.
Here he is shredding branches. The chips will be used to fill in some of the ruts in the path that leads to the swamp. Nothing goes to waste around here.

Remember I mentioned that I plant my potatoes in cinder blocks? Well, here are some of them:

As they get more leaves, we'll add more dirt to each section.

 Some people plant flowers in the deck rail boxes - I plant basil. Comes in so handy when cooking.
I just run out on the deck and snip off a few leaves. The aroma is wonderful!

During the Winter, I grow a bunch on my kitchen windowsill, too.


  1. Cool idea with the potatoes in the blocks...

    1. This is the third year I've been using the cinder blocks - saw how to do it on the internet!
