Wednesday, August 14, 2013




Giraffe Facts
The world's tallest animal uses its reach to get a neck up on other browsing animals. Giraffes' long limbs, necks, and tongues enable them to reach vegetation in the trees well above where other animals can reach. Males stand up to 18 feet tall and weigh up to 4,200 pounds. Females grow to 16 feet tall and weigh up to 2,500 pounds. Giraffes live up to 25 years in the wild and often longer at zoos.

Giraffes live in open habitats, primarily wooded savannas and open woodlands. Riparian forests (those growing along watercourses) are especially important to giraffes living in arid areas. Giraffes do not live in areas dominated by moist tropical forest.
Giraffes eat the leaves of a variety of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Acacia species are among their favorites. An adult giraffe may consume up to 140 pounds of foliage a day. Thanks in part to moisture-rich foods such as acacia leaves, giraffes can go weeks without drinking. They usually seek water every few days, lowering themselves in a splay-legged drinking stance that leaves them vulnerable to predators.
Giraffes breed throughout the year. Males go from female herd to female herd seeking prospective mates. They zero in on females in heat, often feeding beside them and occasionally tangling necks. Fourteen to 15 months after mating takes place, females give birth to a single calf (rarely two). During their first few weeks, calves stay close to their mothers; soon after, they join a group of young called a creche. Baby giraffes are born six feet tall, taller than the average person. They can grow an inch a day and just about double their height in one year.

Female giraffes travel in loosely structured herds, as do young males. However, older males are usually solitary, spending their days seeking female herds containing prospective mates. Males sometimes fight, using their 25-pound heads, nine-inch horns, and strong necks. These battles rarely result in injury.
Females protect their young by kicking at predators with their dinner-plate-sized hooves. First-year calves join creches, which are often left unattended by adults. Ever watchful for predators, giraffes sleep only about a half-hour a day, and this time is usually broken up into about six, five-minute naps.
For about as long as people have been able to hunt large animals, they have sought giraffes as prey. Although people still hunt giraffes, habitat destruction is the greatest threat to them and many of Africa's other large animals. Hunting and habitat loss have driven giraffes to extinction in a number of countries, including Mauritania, Senegal, and possibly Mozambique and Mali. When farms abut giraffe habitat, the animals often raid crops. Some farmers shoot them. However, many cattle ranchers don't mind these high-level browsers, which do not compete with their livestock for food. The future of giraffes and Africa's other famed plains animals lies in careful conservation of extensive habitats, both on park and private lands.
Although listed as low risk on the World Conservation Union's Red List of Threatened Animals, research on giraffe facts reveals several giraffe subspecies are rare, including the Kordofan giraffe of Sudan and the Nigerian giraffe, which is now found only in Chad and is extinct in its namesake Nigeria.



  1. Neat video. So cute.

    I remember watching this documentary when it was on TV

    Available from Amazon here


    1. Glad you liked it too! A lot of that documentary is on YouTube. Check out
      "Giraffe Manor 2012.Mov" there. Also a lot of good vids on the sidebar to enjoy.
      Thanks for stopping by Terry - always enjoy your comments!
