Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Day....

... and another one goes in the pen. Amos is selected. I keep Charlie and Andy in the hutch for the morning feeding. Amos is let out to eat as soon as the feeder is full.

 There is a lot of fussing in the coop when they hear me getting breakfast ready, but no fights.   

I open the door and they all come flying out. Ethel spots little Amos first.  He looks like Oscar so she leaves him alone. Oscar sees Amos and goes after him lickety-split. Ethel's can't decide who is who, so she bites Oscar, he bites her and now the two of them are after poor Amos. Goldie flies on top of the hutch. Fat Lucy and Nina are more interested in eating. I go in and put Amos back in the hutch.
As I'm  leaving, I turn around to see if he is ok. He gives me a dirty look. Or am I just feeling guilty?

We'll try again another day.....


  1. I believe you and I are the only two awake this early in the morning....we can't keep meeting like this...

    1. I know - I just don't sleep too much anymore - damn rooster started at 2:30 again and he's still at it. Maybe he thought the bright moon was the sun.....
