Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Heat wave!

The weather here is horrible - hot and humid. The chickens are really feeling under the weather, so I asked Hubby to get a few bucket loads of our crummy clay soil to put in the pen and the run.

Hubby with his favorite toy and yup, that's my big clothesline!

This is Evil Ethel - look at that beady eye!  Lucy is in the back.
A nice big pile of dirt in the run. Laverne up front and Shirley in the back. More about them later


The clay holds so much water that they have little swimming pools to play in!

Please be sure your flock has a way to cool down. Even leaving them a bucket of ice cubes to scratch around in will help.

And make sure you change their water often during the day.

Keep cool out there!


  1. Looks cloudy. I like the dirt idea, I might try that one this weekend.

  2. The clay soil makes the water look dirty, but we have the really good well water. They take their dust baths in the dirt. Sometimes they will stand in the water or plop right down in it. Scratching away at all the rocks keeps 'em busy!
